I tell ya when 8 months hit my baby became clingy!!! I know they say this is a stage but can it be over yet (teething doesn't help this process)????? I can't leave the room without her crying, I can't leave her in her high chair very long, she doesn't let people she doesn't know hold her very long which I still push, she gets more distracted when she's eating...she's still a good eater it just takes longer than 5 minutes to be done...mom was GETTING SPOILED, her naps went from 2 hrs to 1.5 just like that (I knew that one was coming just not wanting it), and with all that she still gets cuter and cuter by the day!!!! How is that possible....I tell ya!!!!
8 Month pictures we not as easy this time around. We had crying in a lot of them...and only a few half smiles this time. She is laughing and grunting and trying to do what mommy does. She wants everything I have. Anything new she wants...pots and pans when I'm washing dishes, her new tooth brush, water bottles....no need to buy toys here!!!!
We love books. In her pile of toys that's the first thing she goes for. Cousin Bri was reading her a book with soft pages and she sure got one of them. We have to use cardboard books for now. She is a spunky little one already.
We tried egg yolks for the first time and she likes them but didn't devour them like she did yogurt. She eats anything I give her, but peaches are her favorite. I will give her some cut up bananas and peaches and she will pick out all the peaches. So I have to give her the bananas first then the peaches and that goes with everything. Peaches are last and she will still eat every one!!!! It is the cutest thing.
Having a girl is so much fun!!!! We decided to get some practice in for the summer and mommy wanted to see what we were up against. It definitely wasn't an easy task!!!! She kicks her feet non stop, and wiggles all over the place. Lets just say the first paint job wasn't horrible but didn't look too good either. I though I got the quick dry polish, but we need to find the dry in a minute that actually works. But what cute widdle toes!!!!
Addison is so close to crawling or scooting. She gets on her knees but then uses that move to roll over. We have really been working on it and our goal is by 9 moths...but she may have other plans...so we hope!!!!!
What a sweetheart. My kids have always been great eaters, and it's something I'm so grateful for. You've heard the horror stories of the kids who will only eat 5 (unhealthy) things. You're right--she DOES get cuter every day. What a sweetheart.