I'VE heard this saying but never thought it would become the family THEME...... The "PLAY" part definitely takes precedence. We love ALLEN!!!!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

My Mama taught me well....but I also took it to heart!!!!!

I rarely watch talk shows but today I turned the TV on and there was Oprah.   She had Jamie Oliver (the food revolution guy) on her show today.  He is trying to convince  America  they need to eat better...Eat real food he says!!! He is a food guy, not a diet guy.  

It was just crazy to me what they showed American's eating and feeding there kids......PROCESSED :( :( :(   That is disgusting to eat that crap regularly. I don't mean to offend anyone, but I just thought it was common sense to make food that you knew the ingredients and to also eat fruits and veggies.  

For Example:         Making mashed potatoes from real potatoes vs. instant potatoes.....there's like 20 ingredients
                              Baking something in the oven verses frying immersed in oil.  
                              Making Chicken Nuggets vs. buying the processed who knows whats in them nuggets
                              Eating apples and string cheese instead of chips and crackers all the time
                              Making Pizza at home and not buying the frozen card board pizza. 

If you can't tell I'm ANTI processed!!!!!   Don't get me wrong, I have it every once in a while and even crave it from time to time....don't ask me why....but I never feel good afterwords.  Therefore I try not to make a habit of it.

I'm so glad that I had a mom that taught me not to rely on processed foods, but how to make things myself.....also to live the law of health. (if we all lived that better, we wouldn't have as many problems)  Everything that Jamie Oliver said on Oprah's show today was common sense to me.  It almost made me feel proud that I have a strong point and someone else agreed with me!!!

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